Sunday, October 16, 2011

Day 235: Psalm 106, John 1:4-14

Psalm 106 is a poetic recap of the history of the Jews up until this point. It's a history filled with examples of God's goodness and the people's stubborn and willful disobedience and rebellion. God would demonstrate His power and compassion in a mighty way and the people would pledge their gratitude and faithfulness. But before long they would begin complaining about their circumstances or even turn their backs on the One True God to begin worshiping false gods and idols.
But they soon forgot what he had done
   and did not wait for his plan to unfold. (Psalm 106:13)
I'm a lot like that. I tend to forget pretty quickly how God has led and blessed in the past...and grow impatient and concerned about the future. I don't have the patience to "wait for His plan to unfold". My field of vision is very small. God's plans involve all people in every place and every time and for all eternity. I tend to forget that my few years on this planet isn't all there is.

God, help me wait for Your plan to unfold...
        ...even if it takes longer than my lifetime...
                ...which it will.

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