Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 1: Genesis 1-2

Several things stand out to me here:

1. The Bible is not a science text book. Seems to me, especially in the creation accounts, that many people try to read it as if it were. I don't think the author is attempting to give us a detailed description of the process by which everything came to be. It seems more like the important point is that God is behind it all.

2. This is the only real glimpse we have of life on this planet before anyone sinned. Sadly, that period of time is remarkably short. I find it interesting that it wasn't just humanity that was affected by sin, but the entire creation.

3. 1:27 says that God created humans in His own image. This has always fascinated me. What, exactly, does that mean? Actually the text says "after OUR likeness". The Message uses the phrase "reflecting our nature." There is something about us humans that is different than every other part of the universe as we know it. I think we all sense that on some level. We have a sense of morality within us. We ask questions like, "Where did I come from? What happens after I die?" We have eternity within us. Perhaps this is part of being made in the image of God. I think this requires further meditation.

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