This is another one of those places in the Bible that people sort of get side-tracked, I think, and start trying to read with a view to the science involved instead of the real point, which is the wickedness involved. Whenever scripture talks about things that are miraculous, things that are different from the natural order of things, we have a tendency to try to figure put "how" God did it. In other words, we try to figure out a natural explanation for something that is clearly supernatural. I think we need to approach the miraculous with a healthy dose of humility. What I mean is that God is...well, God. We were created by Him (ch 1-2) not the other way around. If we have the ability to explain everything God does with a "natural" explanation then we sort of reduce God to our terms...the Creator becomes subject to the created.
The real point of this passage to me is found in 6:5 - "The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time." What an indictment! "Every inclination..." and "only evil all the time." It makes me wonder about today's world. There is a tendency to talk about how evil our world is...and it is...but are we there yet? How close are we? And, if (when) we do get there, what will happen? God has promised (in an upcoming passage) that He will never destroy the world with a flood again. Will He use another method? Will (as Jesus seems to indicate in one of His parables) He simply allow us to continue until Jesus' 2nd coming and the final judgment day? Or, has the issue of evil been forever addressed with the sacrifice of God's Son on the cross? That's what I think. Maybe we'll find out later in the book if we keep reading.
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