Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 14: Genesis 34-37

These sons of Jacob are a rough crowd. You don't want to mess with their sister, they take care of their own (ch 34)...unless you ARE one of them and act like you're something special...then they turn on you. Hm...I wonder if Joseph was with them when they made their plans to avenge Dinah's rape? It doesn't mention who it was by name only that it was the "sons of Jacob." That was a nasty little scheme...but it doesn't seem to me that Hamor and Shechem were the sharpest knives in the drawer.

Speaking of sharp...I wonder what Joseph was thinking when he told his brothers about his dreams? How did he think they would react? Did he expect them to say, "That's really cool Joseph. God told you we are going to be your servants, I'm really happy for you!"

This begins what I think is one of the most dramatic stories in scripture...I've often thought about Joseph. I've come to the conclusion that Joseph DIDN'T think he was better than his brothers...even though he was his father's favorite and they were all jealous of him and they all though he was arrogant. I think Joseph was just being who God made him to be. He was not motivated by ego or status...he simply wanted to be himself and do what was right...and be pleasing to God. That's why I have a hard time picturing him being part of the plot and the attack on Shechem. He reminds me of what was said about Nathaniel in John 1:47 : "...in whom there is no deceit." When someone is like that they sometimes have a hard time understanding that other people aren't. I think that's why Joseph didn't worry about sharing his dreams with his brothers.

I think it would be an honor to be described like that - "...in whom there is no deceit."

Probably too late for that one.

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