Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 33&34: Exodus 14-21

Decided to do 2 days' worth of reading this afternoon.

This is pretty familiar territory. This section takes Moses and the Israelites out of Egypt in the dramatic crossing of the Red Sea where the Egyptian pursuers were all swept away. Ch. 15 is a song of praise and celebration for God's mighty work. Chapter 16 tales them into the wilderness and finds God feeding them with manna & quail from heaven. In chapter 17 God gives them water and victory over the Amalekites. In chapter 18 Jethro, Moses' father-in-law, arrives and gives him some very helpful advice in dealing with the people. They arrive at Mount Sinai in chapter 19 and God gives the "Ten Commandments" in chapter 20 along with some other rules and regulations for civilized living in chapter 21.

It's hard to read this section without noticing the whining, complaining and disobedient attitudes of the Israelites. God miraculously leads them across the Red Sea and after a brief worship celebration they complain that there's no water (15:24). God miraculously gives them water and they complain that there's nothing to eat. They have fond remembrances of their slavery days in Egypt when they had all the food they needed (16:3). God miraculously gives them manna every morning and quail every evening with a few instructions on gathering, sharing, and preparation which they completely ignore (16:1-30). Then they're thirsty again...and ready to go back to Egypt again "Then Moses cried out to the LORD, 'What am I to do with these people?'"

How do they forget so quickly what God is capable of?

How do WE forget so quickly what God is capable of?

But my verse for the day is:
Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today." (14:13)

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