Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 40: Leviticus 1-4

Well, I knew Leviticus was going to come pretty soon and, to be completely honest I haven't been looking forward to it. However, I'm going to do my best to get through it...reading with a view to finding what God wants me to see.

There are two things that sort of came to my mind as I read the first 4 chapters:

1. God expected His people to be serious about what they offered to God. What they offered had to be of the best quality. It had to offered in a pretty specific manner. It made me think about how we offer our offerings. Often we give only what's left over after we take care of the "essentials". I don't think that's what God has in mind. I also sort of wonder about the on-line, automated type of giving. I understand that it's planned and considered but one of the attractions of giving this way is that it's convenient, and we don't have to think about just happens. I'm not sure convenience and thoughtlessness are really what God is looking for in our gifts. I'm not making judgments here...I'm just wondering.

2. The second thing is this whole "unintentional" sin thing addressed in chapter 4. I first of all wondered if there even is such a thing as an "unintentional" sin. I've always thought that sin was an act of the will...a decision that we make to go our own way. However, if the Bible talks about it I suppose it must exist. Leviticus says, "..when they realize their guilt and the sin they have committed becomes known..." then they must take action by making a sin offering. So here's the thing...apparently, not only is it possible to sin without realizing it, but we are held responsible for that sin as well. I have plenty of sin that I am aware of...God only knows (literally) all the sin in my life that has been committed without any thought whatsoever. Ignorance, it seems, is no excuse. This whole thing makes me more thankful than ever that my sin is completely taken care of by the sacrifice that Jesus made on my behalf.

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