I'm a bit intrigued with what happens in the first 3 verses of chapter 10. I wish we had more detail. Apparently Aaron's sons, Nadab and Abihu took their censers and offered "unauthorized fire" before the Lord, "contrary to His command." That's all it says about what they did. I don't remember reading anything about the difference between "authorized" and "unauthorized" fire. Whatever it is, though, God was not pleased with what they did because in verse 2 "...fire came out from the presence of the LORD and consumed them." I assume this fire was "authorized" since it came from God Himself. Anyway, after this happens, God says this to Aaron by way of explanation:
Among those who approach meI think there's something here for us who claim to "approach God" in worship. Does my worship, and indeed my daily life prove God to be holy. Do my activities and priorities cause God to be honored in the sight of all the people. Apparently God takes this pretty seriously.
I will be proved holy;
in the sight of all the people
I will be honored. (10:3)
Aaron reacts to this the only way he can: "Aaron remained silent." My favorite 3 words in today's reading. He didn't offer excuses or explanations. He didn't pass the blame off to anyone else or any "societal pressures." He listen to what God said and remained silent.
I need to learn a lesson from Aaron.
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