Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 55&56: Numbers 29-36

Numbers finishes with some more instructions on annual festivals they are to celebrate and how they are to celebrate them and some instructions about making and fulfilling vows.

Then God tells them to get vengeance on the Midiantes and actually gets angry with them for leaving the women & children alive (31:15-18)

Then a couple of the tribes decide they just want to stay on the east side of the Jordan so, after some negotiating, that deal is worked out. They can keep that land as long as the men go across and help the rest of them take their land on the west side, then they may return to their families.

Then there's a bit of a recap of their travels and then God gives them some instructions about the boundaries of the land they are going to take and how it will be divided up.

I think we're about ready to enter the promised land.

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